Torymus spherocephalus

Torymus spherocephalus Graham & Gijswijt, 1998

Type material.- Holotype, , (RMNH): "France Var M.J. Gijswijt" "Taradeau 5.x.1989".

Description of female.-
Head in dorsal view (fig. 215) only about 1.7 times as broad as long, with temples shorter: 0.33 length of eyes; POL 2.25 OOL, OOL 1.15 OD. Face and vertex with alutaceous sculpture, without visible punctures. In frontal view mouth 2.1 times malar space, the latter 0.35 length of eye. Antenna (fig. 217) with F1 shorter and narrower than F2. Pedicellus plus flagellum about 1.3 times breadth of head; pedicellus twice as long as broad, F1 slightly longer than broad, smaller than pedicellus and F1. Mesonotum in frontal part transversely alutaceous, posteriorly more reticulate with isodiametric areoles and very few small punctures. Reticulation of scutellum like that on posterior part of mesonotum. Forewing: costal cell about 9 times as long as broad; stigmal vein (fig. 216) nearly vertical with respect to costa, stigma petiolate. Ovipositor index 3.1, sheaths as long as metasoma plus half mesosoma. Length 1.75 mm.
Colour.- Head and mesosoma blue-green, gaster dark brown with slight green shine in places. Antennae dark brown, scape testaceous ventrally. Coxae coloured as body, fore and mid legs testaceous, mid femora and mid tibiae slightly darkened, hind femora and tibiae brown, hind femora with a greenish tinge.
Male.- Unknown.

Comments.- Differs from that of crassiceps spec. nov. by the longer ovipositor and by the smaller F1.
Biology.- Unknown.
Distribution.- France.