Torymus lathyri

Torymus lathyri Graham & Gijswijt, 1998.

Type material.- Holotype, $, (BMNH): "ex gall on Lathyrus pratensis, Great Britain: Hunts: nr. Sixpenny Handle (recte Handley) gall coll.: 8.8.1988 D.G. Nolton".

Description of female.-
Morphology: the head is somewhat shrunken and distorted so that some dimensions cannot be accurately measured. Vertex with fine reticulation and with scattered punctures. Mouth 2.3 times malar space, the latter 0.3 length of eye. Clypeus hardly produced, very slightly curved. Antenna with toruli distinctly above lower eyeline; scape probably not reaching anterior ocellus; pedicellus plus flagellum about 1.4 times breadth of head, flagellum proximally hardly stouter than pedicellus, moderately clavate; pedicellus 1.6 times as long as broad; anellus distinctly transverse; F1 slightly longer than broad, apparently with only one sensillum, F2 as long as F1, other segments quadrate; clava 1.8 times as long as broad; sensilla sparse, uniseriate.
Mesosoma 1.75 times as long as broad, rather dull, finely reticulate, in front more rippled. Mesonotum 1.4 times as broad as long, with numerous minute punctures, setae of average length, slightly raised. Scutellum 1.35 times as long as broad, with rounded base, sculpture as mesonotum, setae on hinder third longer and distinctly raised; flange very narrow, indistinctly trabeculate. Dorsellum slightly reticulate. Propodeum delicately alutaceous, row of fovea minute. Mesepimeron shorter than mid coxa (12:15). Hind coxa nearly three times as long as broad, its hind edge only moderately curved, with rather coarse, slightly raised reticulation and with four setae in basal half. Forewing 2.2 times as long as broad; costal cell 10 times as long as broad, above with one nearly complete row, below with one row of setae plus scattered setae except in the middle; basal vein with 4-5 setae; basal cell bare, closed in apical two-third; speculum extending somewhat beyond parastigma, partly closed. M:PM=51:12, stigma very small, distinctly petiolate.
Gaster hardly compressed, basal sternite extending somewhat beyond coxa; hypopygium extending two-third along gaster, bare except tip. Ovipositor index 1.4, slightly shorter than gaster. Length 1.75 mm.
Colour: blue; gaster violet flecked in basal half. Antennae black, scape blue, testaceous beneath. Coxae, femora (except bases and tips) and hind tibiae mainly black, mid tibiae dark. Rest of legs pale yellowish, fifth tarsal segments brown. Tegulae yellowish in front, otherwise fuscous. Wings hyaline, venation pale greyish to testaceous.
Male.- Unknown.

Comments.- The female of T. lathyri closely resembles those of T. corni Mayr and T. genisticola Ruschka but these have longer ovipositors (index 1.65-1.87). The flagellum of lathyri appears to be rather shorter than in corni. From T. galii Boh. it seems to differ by its (sometimes only slightly) shorter ovipositor, the complete hairrow on upper side of the costal cell and the host.
Biology.- Reared from a gall of Dasineura lathyricola (Rübsaamen)(Dipt. Cecidomyiidae) on Lathyrus pratensis.
Distribution.- Great Britain.