Torymus lapsanae

Torymus lapsanae (Hoffmeyer, 1930).

Type material.- Lectotype, , (MNHN): here designated, stayed on a pith block together with a male, labelled "en aul. lapsanae 1 juin" (in Giraud’s hand); "MUSEUM PARIS COLL. GIRAUD 1877". Paralectotypes: 4 ±± and 1 (MNHN), similarly labelled, also on minutien pins on pith blocks are here designated.

Comments.- The female is close to that of chloromerus (Walker) but has a shorter hind tibial spur, the legs are rather apler, with the fore coxae yellow in distal half, mid femora with at most a fuscous streak beneath, fore and hind femora with a greenish flush externally (but not darkened).
The name of the host (Phanacis lampsanae (Perris) Hym. Cynipoidea)) was thus spelled, but Hoffmeyer consistently used the form lapsanae both for the host and the Torymus parasite. Hence no emendation of Hoffmeyer’s name is justified.
Biology.- Reared from galls of Timaspis lapsanae Perris (Hym. Cynipoidea) on Lapsana communis.
Distribution.- France.