Torymus flavipes

Torymus flavipes (Walker, 1833).

Type material.- Cynips auratus Geoffroy: original material destroyed. Neotype, , (BMNH): France, Seine et Marne, Forêt de Fontainebleau, 12.viii.1981 (Graham) designated by Graham (1992: 1098). Lectotypes were designated for all Walker species (except terminalis and gracilis, for which no material was found in BMNH) by Eady (1959: 266-268), but the details need not repeating here.
Callimome terminalis Walker: lectotype, designated by Graham & Gijswijt, 1998, , (OUM, Dale collection): Labels "25" (white ticket); "646/38" (red ink) in J.C. Dale’s hand; "Callimome terminalis Walk. Name in Dale Coll". Graham lectotype label. Paralectotype, designated by Graham & Gijswijt, 1998, (NMI), number 285, with a pencilled "35" on its card above and "termina" on lower surface.
Callimome gracilis Walker: Lectotype, designated by Graham & Gijswijt, 1998, , (NMI, No. 254) with a pencil number "42" on upper surface of its card and "gracile " on the lower surface.
T. viridissimus Boh.: Neotype, , (ZIL): designated by Graham & Gijswijt, 1998, labelled: "S:Sm, Bergkvara 6.vii.1993 ex cult. Leg. R.D. Danielssen, Ur Biorrhiza pallida galler tagna på Quercus robur 23.vii.1993" "Torymus viridissimus Boh. M. de V. Graham det. 1994. Neotype ".
T. euchlorus Boh. Lectotype, (NR): designated by Graham & Gijswijt, 1998. It is labelled "V.G." [Vestrogothia]; "Bhn." [Boheman]; "Thoms.".
No material of T. propinquus Foerster and of T. nanus Foerster was found in NHMW.
No type material of T. appropinquans Ratz. is available.
Original material of Torymus Nördlingeri lost.
T. sodalis Mayr. Lectotype, (NHMW): designated by Graham & Gijswijt, 1998, labelled: "21/3/Z Schlecht." "collect. G. Mayr" "Tor. sodalis G. Mayr Type". Paralectotype: (NHMW): designated by Graham & Gijswijt, 1998, similarly labelled.
A lectotype for T. hibernans Mayr, , (NHMW) is designated by Graham & Gijswijt, 1998. It is mounted with a male on one pith block and labelled: "Collect. G. Mayr; Tor. hibernans G. Mayr, Type; lentic. 20/3 71".