Torymus filipendulae

Torymus filipendulae Graham & Gijswijt, 1998.

Type material.- Holotype, , (BMNH), England: "Oxon. Oxford Canal, em. 16.8.1961 ex Perrisia ulmariae on Filipendula, M. de V. Graham". Paratypes: 1 ±, 4 (BMNH), England: "Cambs., Woodwalton, 9.6.1963, M. de V. Graham"; 8 ±±, (BMNH), "England: Hunts. Woodwalton F (1) 9.6.1968 M. de V. Graham"; 1 (BMNH), "England: Cambs. Woodwalton Fen NNR 19-28.vii.1978, Fitton & Noyes Brit. Mus. 1978-339"; 1 (BMNH), "Oxon, Oxford Canal, em. 15.viii.1961 ex Perrisia ulmariae on Filipendula ulmaria, M. de V. Graham"; 1 (RRA), "Ex C. ulmariae gall Cohill, Berks., RA overwintered 1957-8"; 1 (MJG), Netherlands " Voorschoten 8.viii.1976 B. Nübel /gal Dasyneura ulmariae coll. 16.vii.1976".

Description of female.
Morphology: head in dorsal view (fig. 95) 1.75-1.9 times as broad as long; temples 0.22 apparent length of eyes, rounded. POL 1.73 OOL, OOL 1.4-1.45 OD. Vertex with fine, partly engraved reticulation, and scattered very small punctures. Head in front view suboval, genae slightly curved. Face fairly thickly clothed with thin pale setae. Eyes 1.35 times as long as broad, separated by slightly less than their length. Mouth 2.4-2.43 malar space, the latter 0.27 length of eye. Anterior margin of clypeus (fig. ) slightly produced, weakly curved. Antenna (fig. 96): toruli above ventral edge of eyes but distinctly nearer to anterior margin of clypeus than to anterior ocellus; scape 0.7 length of eye, reaching at most to lower edge of anterior ocellus; pedicellus plus flagellum about 1.3 times breadth of head, flagellum proximally hardly stouter than pedicellus; pedicellus 1.8-1.85 times as long as broad, somewhat longer than F1; anellus somewhat broader than long; F1 slightly longer than broad, F2 to F4 slightly longer than broad in larger females, quadrate in small females, following segments quadrate, or F7 very slightly transverse; clava about 2.2 times as long as broad, as long as F7+F6+half of F5; sensilla sparse, uniseriate.
Mesosoma 1.75 times as long as broad, strongly arched dorsally. Propodeum sloping nearly vertically. Mesoscutum 1.15 times as broad as long, both it and the scutellum with very fine and superficial or partly engraved nearly isodiametric reticulation; piliferous punctures minute, rather remote. Scutellum 1.25 times as long as broad, narrowly rounded basally, with excessively fine superficial reticulation; setae in posterior third longer and more raised, flange very narrow, without distinct trabeculae. Dorsellum very finely reticulate. Propodeum with very fine and superficial alutaceous sculpture, with a row of small foveae along its anterior border; spiracles small, about 1.5 times as long as broad, nearly or about twice their length from posterior margin. Mesepimeron less high than mid coxa (16:21), 1.4-1.5 times as high as broad. Hind coxa 2.8-3.0 times as long as broad, its hind margin distinctly curved only in basal quarter, dorsal surface bare in basal half, outer surface with somewhat coarse but superficial or partly engraved reticulation. Hind femur 3.8-4.5 times as long as broad. Spurs of hind tibia inequal, the longer one about 0.5 length of basitarsus. Forewing 2.2 times as long as broad; costal cell 10-10.5 times as long as broad, upper surface with one complete row of setae, lower surface with a complete row plus scattered setae in basal fifth and distal third; M:PM:ST=7:2:1, stigma petiolate, somewhat oblique, small; basal cell bare or with a few setae below SM, closed below; basal vein with 3-5 setae; speculum moderate-sized, partly open below, extending below M for about one third the length of this vein; wing just beyond speculum moderately thickly setose, more thickly distad.
Gaster ovate, about as long as mesosoma, slightly compressed; basal sternite extending somewhat beyond tip of hind coxa; hypopygium bare except for a few setae at its tip, which is situated at about 0.75 length of gaster. Ovipositor index 1.85-2.0, sheaths about as long as metasoma plus one third of mesosoma. Length 1.4-1.8 mm.
Colour: head green to blue; vertex more or less purple. Mandibles and palpi testaceous. Antennal scape testaceous, more or less infuscate dorsally, rest of antenna fuscous to black.
Mesosoma green to blue-green. Gaster green to blue-green, usually more or less reddish or testaceous at base. Legs testaceous with fore coxae green to blue-green at base or up to about half their length, mid coxae mainly green, hind coxae with proximal half or slightly more green; occasionally the hind femora are infuscate medially, sometimes the fore an mid femora infuscate proximally; claws brown. Tegulae brownish. Wings hyaline, venation pale testaceous.
Description of male.- Differs from female as follows:
Morphology: antennal scape about 3 times as long as broad, its external surface extremely finely reticulate and dull; pedicellus about 1.5 times as long as broad and about 1.5 times as long as broad and about 1.5 times as long as F1; funicle proximally hardly stouter than pedicellus, but thickening slightly distad, its segments quadrate, F1 sometimes slightly shorter than F2, clava about 2.7 times as long as broad, about as long as F7+F6+half of F5; flagellum clothed with curved pale setae, 2 whorls on each segment (sometimes only one on F1). Gaster shorter and much narrower than mesosoma. Length 1.1-1.5 mm.
Colour: antennal scape black. Coxae mainly dark, hind coxae wholly so, Hind femora broadly black with metallic tint. Fore and mid femora more or less infuscate proximally. Hind tibiae broadly infuscate medially.

Comments.- The female of T. filipendulae is close to that of T. angelicae (Walker), which differs in having the head about twice as broad as long, temples slightly shorter and converging more distinctly, mouth only 2.0 malar space, anterior margin of clypeus (fig. ) distinctly produced, anellus virtually quadrate, mesosoma less strongly arched dorsally, dorsellum nearly smooth, ovipositor index 2.15-2.5, sheaths about as long as metasoma plus half of mesosoma, length of body usually greater (up to 2.5 mm).
In colour, female angelicae differs in having the gaster more extensively reddish or yellowish ventrally, often with the pale colour extending dorsally to form a subbasal ring; legs usually yellow with only hind coxae partly dark.
Biology.- Parasite of Dasineura ulmaria (Bremi) (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) on Filipendula ulmaria (Rosaceae).
Distribution.- Czech Republic, Great Britain, Netherlands.