Torymus erucarum

Torymus erucarum (Schrank, 1781).

Type material.- Ichneumon erucarum Schrank, original material lost.
Cynips purpurascens Olivier. Original material lost.
Cleptes fulgens Fabricius (see Ichneumon fulgens F.).
Ichneumon fulgens Fabricius, lectotype in Bosc collection (MNHN), examined and designated by Graham (1969: 65). It lacks the head and is labelled "C. fulgens fab. n. s."; paralectotype , designated by Graham & Gijswijt, 1998, in the Fabricius collection (Kiel).
Diplolepis fuliginosa Spinola. Original material destroyed.
Torymus fulgidus Boheman. No lectotype yet selected.
Torymus rubripes Ratzeburg. Holotype , reared by Saxesen from an oak-bole gall on Quercus (lost). The species was synonymized with erucarum by Mayr (1874: 87) which is certainly correct.