Torymus eadyi

Torymus eadyi Graham & Gijswijt, 1998.

Type material.- Holotype: (BMNH): Great Britain "ex Lasioptera rubi coll. 15.v.1959 em. 30-31.v.1959, Hants New Forest Wood crates R.D. Eady". Paratypes: 2 (BMNH): same data as holotype, 1 (MJG) "France Elzas-L. 1.v.1973 H.J. Vlug, /gal Lasiopt. rubi Coll. 17.3.73"; 1 (MJG) Netherlands "depot 80 Lasioptera rubi verz. 17.i.1967, Wageningen 22.ii.1967 W. Nijveldt"; 1 (TM) "Bulgaria, Varna, 21.08.1985, Rubus sp., Lasioptera rubi (Schrank)"; 1 (RMNH), "1.4.88 D-Ahlen M. Kuhlman, ex galle (Dipt) Lasioptera rubi (Schrank) 1, Torymus macropterus (Walker) U. Sellenschlo".

Description of female.-
Morphology: head in dorsal view (fig. 84) at most slightly broader than long (2-2.1), temples 0.18-0.2 length of eye, very strongly converging and very slightly curved. OOL 1.9-2.05 OOL, OOL 1.0-1.1 OD. Vertex finely reticulate, with numerous minute piliferous punctures. In frontal view mouth 2.1-2.3 times malar space, the latter 0.3-0.35 length of eye; the clypeus is slightly produced, truncate. Antennae with toruli well above lower eyeline, hardly nearer to clypeus than to anterior ocellus; scape not reaching ocellus; pedicellus plus flagellum 1.4 times longer than breadth of head, flagellum proximally distinctly stouter than pedicellus, cylindrical; pedicellus 1.57 times as long as broad; anellus 1.3 times broader than long; F1 slightly longer than broad, following segments very slightly longer than broad or quadrate; sensilla very numerous, uniseriate.
Mesosoma 1.85 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum 1.25 times as broad as long finely sculptured, in front half more scaly rippled; piliferous punctures numerous but very small, separated by twice their diameter or more, setae of normal length, slightly raised. Scutellum 1.4 times as long as broad, its base rather narrowly rounded, finely sculptured, with punctures very slightly larger than those on mesoscutum, setae on hinder third longer and more raised; flange very narrow, finely trabeculate. Dorsellum nearly smooth. Propodeum very finely delicately alutaceous, slightly smoother medially, with a row of small fovea basally. Mesepimeron 1.3 times longer than broad and 0.75 times as long as mid coxa. Hind leg with coxa thickly hairy and strongly curved with fine, sometimes rather coarse reticulation, hind femur 3.9 times as long as broad, spur of tibia 0.44 length of basitarsus and only very slightly shorter or as long as breadth of hind tibia. Forewing: costal cell on upper side with one or two rows of setae more widely separated in the middle, the lower side has one row plus scattered setae except in the middle; basal cell with 1-3 setae below SM, closed; basal vein with 6-9 setae; speculum extending distinctly beyond parastigma, with some scattered setae on lower surface in upper half, nearly closed below. Wing beyond speculum moderately thickly, distally quite thickly pilose; M:PM:ST=47:11:4, ST is shortly petiolate or subsessile, slightly oblique.
Gaster slightly compressed, basal sternite projects by about one-third of hind coxa; hypopygium extending along three-quarters of gaster or slightly more, bare. Ovipositor as long as metasoma plus half of mesosoma, index 2.25-2.6. Length 5.2-5.5 mm.
Colour: head and mesosoma bright green, scape testaceous with a very small brown edge on dorsal side distally, tegulae and palpi, fore and middle legs including coxae, hind legs except basal half of coxae, which are green, testaceous. Gaster bluish-green, with two broad dark violet transverse bands.
Male.- Unknown.

Comments.- Graham wishes to honour the name of his late friend and colleague Ron D. Eady, who discovered the feature of dimorphism in female Torymus ovipositors. He made possible the present course of the species taxonomy by his study of the Walker types and would have left us more invaluable contributions had not tragic circumstances prevented it.
The species differs from T. rubi Schrank by the smaller punctures on dorsum of mesosoma and by the more extensive yellow colour of the legs.
Distribution.- Bulgaria, France, Great Britain, Netherlands.
Biology.- Reared from galls of Lasioptera rubi Schrank (Hym. Cynipidae).