Torymus curvatulus

Torymus curvatulus Graham & Gijswijt, 1998.

Type material.- Holotype, (RMNH): "Langbroek 10-19.iv.1972 W.C. Nijveldt, /takgal op Salix coll. 16.iii.1972".

Description of female.-
Morphology: head in dorsal view 1.9 times as broad as long, temples 0.33 apparent length of eye, rounded. POL 2.0 OOL, OOL as long as OD. Vertex finely reticulate, with few minute and inconspicuous punctures. In frontal view the head is rounded with distinctly curved genae. Mouth 2.0 times malar space, the latter 0.36 length of eye; the clypeus is truncate. Antennae with toruli well above lower eyeline, distinctly nearer to clypeus than to anterior ocellus; scape about 3.5 times as long as broad, not reaching ocellus; pedicellus plus flagellum 1.3 times longer than breadth of head, flagellum proximally slightly broader as pedicellus, slightly clavate; pedicellus 1.8 times as long as broad; anellus transverse; proximal funicle segments quadrate, F7 0.8 times as long as broad; sensilla sparse.
Mesosoma twice as long as broad. Mesoscutum 1.15 times as broad as long finely sculptured, in front half more scaly rippled; piliferous punctures scarce and small, separated by twice their diameter or more, setae long, raised. Scutellum 1.2 times as long as broad, its base rounded, sculptured as on hinder part of mesoscutum, with punctures larger than those on mesoscutum, setae on hinder half longer and more raised, flange very narrow, finely trabeculate. Dorsellum nearly smooth. Propodeum very finely delicately alutaceous, smooth medially, with a row of small fovea basally. Mesepimeron 1.3 times longer than broad and 0.8 times as long as mid coxa. Hind leg with coxa hairy and moderately curved with rather coarse reticulation, hind femur 4.7 times as long as broad, spur of tibia 0.4 length of basitarsus and slightly longer than breadth of hind tibia. Forewing: costal cell on upper side with one row of setae, the lower side has two rows plus scattered setae distad; basal cell with 2 setae below SM, closed; basal vein with 4 setae; speculum extending distinctly beyond parastigma, with some scattered setae on lower surface in upper half, nearly closed below, wing beyond speculum moderately pilose; M:PM:ST=50:11:5, ST is shortly petiolate, slightly oblique.
Gaster slightly compressed, basal sternite projects hardly beyond hind coxa; hypopygium extending along three quarters of gaster or slightly more, bare. Ovipositor as long as metasoma plus half of mesosoma, index 2.5. Length 2 mm.
Colour: head and mesosoma blue-green, scape testaceous, brown dorsally, tegulae yellow with a brown spot, palpi yellow; legs, except middle and hind coxae, which are green, testaceous; fore coxae with a green spot, hind femora with a greenish streak Gaster violet-blue with greenish tinge.
Male.- Unknown.

Comments.- The species can be distinguished from the other species, which are associated with Salix by the combination of a strongly curved malar space, the longer ovipositor, the testaceous legs and the hairy hind coxae.
Biology.- Reared from a gall on a branch of Salix.
Distribution.- Netherlands.