Torymus curtisi

Torymus curtisi Graham & Gijswijt, 1998.

Type material.- Callimome dauci Curtis,1835: lectotype, (MVMA:, "Callimome dauci Curtis, M. de V. Graham det., Lectotype"; " 1 ± 3 bred by J.C.". [label at side of series, Curtis’ hand]. Paralectotypes: 1 ± 2 (MVMA): same data as holotype.

Morphology.- Head in dorsal view 2.18-2.2 times as broad as long, temples 0.21-0.23 apparent length of eyes. POL 2.3-2.5 OOL, OOL about 1.2 OD. Vertex with fine, rather irregular reticulation, with a number of small but distinct punctures. In frontal view the head is trapeziform with straight genae. Mouth 1.85-1.9 times as long as malar space, the latter 0.36-0.37 length of eye. Clypeus (fig. )weakly curved, almost truncate. Antenna: toruli distinctly above eyes; length of pedicellus plus flagellum 1.05-1.1 times breadth of head, flagellum proximally slightly stouter than pedicellus, strongly clavate; scape 3.5 times as long as broad, not or hardly reaching anterior ocellus; pedicellus 1.6 times as long as broad; anellus 1.5 times as broad as long; F1 quadrate, F2 subquadrate, F3-F6 slightly transverse, F7 1.25-1.5 times as broad as long; clava 1.7 times as long as broad; sensilla numerous, uniseriate.
Mesosoma 1.75 times as long as broad. Mesonotum 1.2 times as broad as long, extremely finely, mostly scaly reticulate, punctures minute, widely separated, setae slightly raised. Scutellum 1.2 times as long as broad, with rounded base, sculpture as on mesoscutum, but punctures smaller and setae longer especially posteriorly, flange narrow, but distinctly trabeculate. Dorsellum weakly reticulate or nearly smooth with a trace of a median sulcus. Propodeum shiny, delicately, somewhat striate alutaceous slightly smoother medially, with a row of small fovea near base. Mesepimeron 1.7 times higher than broad, shorter than length of mid coxa (15:22). Hind coxae twice as long as broad, with rather coarse, slightly raised reticulation, its hind edge strongly curved, pilose; hind femur four times as long as broad; spur of hind tibia 0.41 length of basitarsus. Forewing 2.3 times as long as broad; costal cell 7 times as long as broad, upper side bare except for a few setae over distal third or at apex only, underside with one row plus scattered setae in basal and distal quarter; M:PM:ST=35:9:3.2, stigma shortly petiolate or subsessile, very small. Basal cell bare, closed below distally, basal vein with 1-6 setae; speculum extending beyond parastigma, partly or mainly open below.
Metasoma (fig. 76) only slightly compressed, tergites 1-4 incised; basal sternite slightly longer than coxa; hypopygium extending 0.75 along gaster, bare except tip. Ovipositor index 1.75-1.9, as long as metasoma plus one-third mesosoma. Length 2.6-3.1 mm.
Colour.- Body bright green (sometimes partly golden-green to blue-green. Scape testaceous, more or less metallic, infuscate dorsally, rest dark. black. Coxae, and femora except tips, like body. Hind tibiae blackish except base and apex, rest yellow, mid and hind tarsi whitish-yellow proximally, 5th segments of all tarsi fuscous. Tegulae yellow with posterior edge dark. Wings hyaline, venation yellowish.
Male: differs from female: antenna scape 3.2 times as long as broad, outer surface with excessively fine granulate reticulation and not nearly reaching anterior ocellus. Pedicellus plus flagellum 1.15 times breadth of head, flagellum stouter, anellus more strongly transverse, F1 subquadrate, rest at least very slightly transverse, flagellum thickly clothed with short, curved dark setae Antennal scape metallic black, only radicula pale. Mid tibiae sometimes more or less infuscate. Posterior two-third of gaster bronzy. Length 2.2-2.6 mm.
Type material.- Lectotype,(where?); Paralectotypes: 1 ±, 2 , (MVMA).