Torymus cultratus

Torymus cultratus Graham & Gijswijt, 1998.

Type material.- Holotype, (BMNH): "Turkey: Kütahya Murat Dagi. 1700 m. 31.vii.1962. Guichard & Harvey. BM 1962-299".

Female.- Resembles that of arcella spec. nov. in having tip of hypopygium nearly level with apex of gaster. It differs from it as follows: Ovipositor index 2.65, sheaths as long as metasoma plus half mesosoma. Temples slightly longer (0.25 length of eyes). Malar space slightly longer, 0.4 length of eye. Sculpture of mesonotum over anterior two-thirds, tending to be transversely rippled-scaly. Length 2.75 mm.
Colour: body bright green, more golden-green on genae and parts of mesosomal pleuron. All coxae dark. Hind femur mainly black; fore femur with black dorsal stripe, mid femur with dark median ring.
Male.- Unknown.

Comments.- T. cultratus also resembles some females of the summer form of T. chloromerus. The female chloromerus of comparable size differs in having tip of hypopygium at or slightly beyond 0.75 length of gaster, ovipositor sheaths as long as metasoma plus mesosoma, pedicellus plus flagellum about 1.35 breadth of head, pedicellus slightly shorter relative to its breadth.
Biology.- Unknown.
Distribution.- Turkey (Asia Minor). The species may occur in nearby countries as well.
Biology.- Unknown.
Distribution.- Turkey (Asia Minor). The species may occur in nearby countries as well.