Torymus crassiceps

Torymus crassiceps Graham & Gijswijt, 1998.

Type material.- Holotype, (NR): "Bh [Bohuslän] Bhn [Boheman] Type Thoms.", standing in Bohemans series of T. contubernalis.

Description of female.-
Morphology: head in dorsal view (fig. 65) 1.8 times as broad as long; temples 0.37 apparent length of eye, strongly rounded; POL 2.3 OOL, OOL 1.1 OD. Vertex with fine reticulation and scattered minute piliferous punctures. Head in front view subtrapeziform, with genae very slightly curved. Eyes 1.35 times as long as broad, separated by 1.1 times their length. Face moderately thickly clothed with rather short white setae. Genae behind malar sulcus nearly smooth. Mouth 2.35 times malar space, the latter 0.37 length of eye. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly produced and curved. Antenna (fig. 67): toruli placed very well above ventral edge of eyes; length of scape nearly equal to transverse diameter of eye, not reaching anterior ocellus; pedicellus plus flagellum 1.35 breadth of head, flagellum proximally hardly stouter than pedicellus, thickening moderately distad; pedicellus 1.8 times as long as broad, about 1.3 times as long as F1; anellus nearly quadrate; F1-F5 quadrate, F6 and F7 very slightly transverse; clava twice as long as broad, nearly as long as F5+F6+F7; sensilla numerous, uniseriate.
Mesosoma moderately arched dorsally, propodeum sloping at 45°. Mesoscutum 1.5 times as broad as long, with excessively fine reticulation; notauli not deep; piliferous punctures minute. Scutellum 1.3 times as long as broad, rounded at base, sculpture and punctures like mesoscutum, flange very narrow, finely trabeculate. Dorsellum nearly smooth. Propodeum extremely finely and delicately alutaceous; row of fovea along base very small; spiracles about 1.6 times as long as broad, about twice their length from hind margin. Hind leg with coxa about 2.3 times as long as broad, externally with moderate fine, slightly raised reticulation; hind margin strongly curved; dorsal surface rather sparsely pilose in basal half; femur four times as long as broad; spur of tibia 0.47 length of basitarsus. Forewing 2.25 times as long as broad; costal cell (fig. 66) about eight times as long as broad, upper surface with a complete row of setae, lower surface with a complete row plus scattered setae in proximal quarter and distal third; M:PM:ST=36:11:4, stigma (fig. 66) shortly petiolate; basal cell with three setae below SM, closed with 5 setae distad; basal vein with 4-5 setae; speculum closed below except in proximal third, extending below the parastigma, thence as an extremely narrow strip which hardly reaches ST; wing just beyond speculum rather sparsely setose, but more thickly distad.
Gaster slightly compressed; basal sternite extending somewhat beyond apex of hind coxa; hypopygium at three quarters, bare except for a few setae at tip. Ovipositor index 2.2, sheaths as long as metasoma plus nearly half mesosoma.
Male.- Unknown.

Comments.- Thomson's statement (1876: 96) under his description of supposed contubernalis "terebra abdomine parum longiore" shows that he did not see Boheman’s species which was described as having the ovipositor as long as the body. On the other hand his reference "capito haud transverso, genis buccatis, vertice transversus convexo, sat lato, ocellis fere in triangulum disposito" apply exactly to crassiceps spec. nov. Thomson probably based his concept of contubernalis on the female specimen in Boheman’s collection, the only specimen with a Thomson label in the series.
Biology.- Unknown.
Distribution.- Sweden.