Torymus cingulatus

Torymus cingulatus Nees, 1834.
Morphology.- Head 2.0-2.1 times broader than long. Temples one fifth length of eyes, strongly convex, slightly curved. POL 1.7 OOL, OOL as long as OD.
Malar space 0.2-0.3 length of eye.
Scape 3.5 times longer than broad, just reaching lower edge of ocellus or slightly above this. Anellus 1.5 x as broad as long. Funicle segments quadrate, distal segments sometimes slightly. transverse. Setae at 40.
Hind coxae about 2.5 times as long as broad, with its posterior edge distinctly curved. Spurs on hind tibiae nearly equal in length.
Epimeron moderate sized, nearly circular.
Ovipositor index 2.8-3.2. Length 2.6 - 3.5 mm.
Colour.- Head green, vertex slightly golden, with coppery flecks in places. Scape black
Mesosoma green to blue. Epimeron violet-bronze. Legs + fore coxae mainly yellow-testaceous. Hind femur and tibia slightly infuscate.
Only basal half of hind coxa green. Coxae mediae et posticae max parte metallicae. Tip of hind coxae sometimes yellow.
Basal half of metasoma orange yellow, with base green. Ventrally nearly wholly pale.
Apical half of metasoma varied with green to bluish.
Type material.- Torymus cingulatus Nees. Lectotype, (OUM)
Biology.- Reared from galls of Liposthenus latreillii (Kieffer) (Hym. Cynipidae) On Glechoma hederacea.