Torymus chloromerus

Torymus chloromerus (Walker, 1833).

Redescription by M. Graham
Head dorsally slightly broader than mesoscutum 2.1-2.2 times broader than long, temples converging moderately and slightly curved, one fifth or slightly over one fifth apparent length of eyes,; POL 1.9-2.2 OOL, hind ocelli separated by 1.1-1.2 their mayor diameter from eyes.
Head frontally sub trapeziform with vertex moderately arched, genae converging moderately strongly and virtually straight. Eyes 1.4-1.6 times longer than broad, separated by their own length or hardly more, sparsely dotted with extremely short pubescens. Malar space slightly more than one third eye. Mouth 1.7-2.0 malar space.
Face relatively thickly dotted with white hairs which do not hide much of the surface.
Antennae with scapus approximately as long as transverse diameter of eye, nearly or just reaching lower edge of ocellus; pedicellus plus flagellum 1.35-1.45 times longer than breadth of mesoscutum; pedicellus (dorsally) 1.4-1.7 times longer than broad from somewhat shorter than to ....... longer than first funicle segment; anellus mostly 1.4-1.8 times broader than long (but only slightly transverse in some very large females); funicle proximally in average large exx. stouter than pedicellus, nearly cylindrical in small exx. , proximally hardly stouter than pedicellus, but thickening somewhat distad; in large specimens the proximal segments are somewhat (up to 1.5 times) longer than broad, the distal segment or segments quadrate, whilst in small females the segments are sub quadrate or the seventh very slightly transverse; clava not or hardly broader than F7, 2-2.2 times longer than broad, as long as or slightly longer than F6+F7; sensilla numerous to very numerous, slender, of moderate length, usually in two overlapping rows on each funicle and claval segment or one irregular row on the claval segments, in very small females in one irregular row on some funicle segments.; hairs on flagellum mostly decumbent, with a few short ones outstanding.
Thorax dorsally 1.8-1.9 times longer than broad, moderately arched dorsally, with dorsellum and propodeum ca 45°. Pronotum dorsally one third to somewhat more length of mesonotum, narrowing forewords, its hind margin deeply arcuately emarginate. Mid lobe of mesoscutum about as broad as long, moderately shiny, with extremely fine engraved sculpture, whose .... are isodiametric and cushion like but, on the anterior part of the sclerite, tend to form transverse ripples; piliferous punctures numerous but small. Scutellum nearly as long as mesoscutum, elliptic, somewhat longer than broad; frenum not marked off; sculpture as mesoscutum.
Propodeum shiny, with extremely fine and weak alutaceous sculpture, or pretty smooth.
Mesepimeron small, oval, its height distinctly less than length of mid coxa, about 1.5 times as high as broad.
Legs of median length and stoutness: hind coxae slightly over twice as long as broad, with hind margin distinctly curved; outer surface with moderately fine, slightly raised reticulation, dorsal edge with a band of hairs (2-3 rows) which begins very near the base and extends nearly half the length of the coxa; longer spur of hind tibia about 0.4 length of basitarsus and about 1.5 times longer than shorter spur.
Forewing 2.4-2.5 times longer than broad with apical margin somewhat oblique; costal cell 8.5-9.0 times longer than broad, its upper surface often bare except for a row of hairs in the distal half, sometimes with a row of hairs more or less broken in the middle, lower surface with a row near the front edge, most often more or less widely broken medially, also with scattered hairs over proximal and distal thirds.
M much shorter than costal cell and 8.5-13 times longer than ST; PM proximally about as thick as distal part of M but tapering distad. ST at ..... (niet ingevuld) stigma shortly petiolate to nearly sessile, sub circular or sub triangular, with moderately long uncus which is directed nearly parallel to lower edge of PM.
Basal vein with 2-4-6-8 hairs; basal cell bare except for row of 1-3-5-6 hairs immediately below proximal part of SM, closed below in distal 1/3-1/2-3/4
Speculum rather large, extending a short distance below M, open or partly open below; wing just beyond speculum rather sparsely pilose, but more thickly distad.
Body varying from bright green through blue green to blue and even partly violet (the latter especially in some Swedish specimens)
Antennal scape testaceous beneath, or wholly so except the dorsal edge; pedicellus and flagellum black, pedicellus metallic.
All coxae coloured like the body; trochanters partly to wholly testaceous; fore and mid femora at least with a broad dark basal band, varying to black with only tips testaceous; hind femora black with only their tips narrowly to broadly testaceous; the dark parts of all femora with metallic tips; legs otherwise testaceous with tips of tarsi fuscous, the hind tibiae with at least a brown shade in middle of hinder surface, more often broadly blackish banded; occasionally fore and mid tibiae are more or less infuscate medially.
Tegulae yellowish with hind edge usually dark with metallic tips; wings hyaline, venation yellowish to testaceous.
Length of body 2.3-2.4 4.0-4.3 mm; of body + ovipositor 4.6-6.7 7.2-7.4
NB. First segment of hind tarsus in spring brood 5.5-7 times longer than broad in late summer 7-8 times.
In Centaurea and Urophora ovipositor sheaths in first generation 2.05-2.5 hind tibia; in second generation 2.8-3.5 hind tibia.

Male differs as follows:

?Head hardly wider than mesoscutum, temples 1/4-1/3 eyes.
Antennal scape not nearly reaching ocellus, its front edge bulging at the base, above the bulge forming a concave curve.
Pedicellus only 1.2 times longer than broad, much shorter than F1; pedicellus plus funicle 1.6-1.... [niet ingevuld] breadth of mesoscutum; anellus ca 2.5 times as broad as long; flagellum proximally ca 1.5 times as stout as pedicellus, cylindrical or tapering very slightly distad; proximal funicle segments quadrate, distal ones very slightly transverse; clava ca 2.5 times longer than broad, about as long as 2.5 last funicle segments, tapering to a more distinct point than in ; sensilla less numerous.
Flagellum densely clothed with short black curved hairs which stand out at 30°-45°.
Forewing relatively shorter 2.2-..... [niet ingevuld] longer than broad; costal cell upper side with one complete row plus usually a few scattered hairs distally’ lower surface with one complete row plus a second one, complete or broken medially, plus scattered hairs in basal 1/4 and distal 1/3.
Longer spur of mid tibia nearly half metatarsus.
Gaster oblong, nearly as long as but narrower than thorax tending to widen a little caudad, strongly carinate longitudinally on ventral surface.
Scape black metallic with at most radicula and extreme base yellow. ?body tends to be darker. Ranges from blue through green to bronze green.
?legs darker, trochanters often more or less infuscate; hind tibiae sometime mainly black, mid and hind tibiae sometimes slightly infuscate medially.
NB. verhouding M:Msp. is niet altijd minder dan 2