Torymus caudatulus

Torymus caudatulus Graham & Gijswijt, 1998.

Type material.- Holotype, (BMNH): "FRANCE, Cantal, SE of Col de Redondet, (4) 30.7.1973, M. de V. Graham". Paratype: (BMNH): "England: Middlesex, Southgate, 30.9.1964, M. de V. Graham"

Description of female.-
Morphology: head in dorsal view 2.1 times as broad as long, temples 0.19-0.22 apparent length of eye, strongly converging and slightly curved. POL 2.O OOL, OOL 1.1 OD. Vertex finely sculptured, with scattered minute punctures. Frontally seen the head is trapeziform, with straight genae. Mouth 1.7 length malar space, the latter 0.35-0.36 length of eye. Antennae with toruli well above lower eyeline, slightly nearer to clypeus than to anterior ocellus; scape 3.8 times as long as broad, reaching middle of anterior ocellus; pedicellus plus flagellum 1.17-1.28 breadth of head, flagellum proximally slightly stouter than pedicellus, moderately clavate; pedicellus 1.75 times as long as broad; anellus 1.5 times as broad as long; F1 1.15 times as long as broad, F2-F5 quadrate, F6 and F7 very slightly transverse; clava twice as long as broad; sensilla numerous, uniseriate.
Mesosoma 1.65 times longer than broad, somewhat shiny. Mesonotum 1 43 times as broad as long, sculpture fine, slightly rippled in front, punctures numerous but minute, setae short, at hind end longer, slightly raised. Scutellum 1.15 times as long as broad rounded at base, even more finely reticulate as mesonotum, punctures numerous very small, flange very narrow, distinctly trabeculate. Dorsellum nearly smooth, with a trace of a median sulcus. Propodeum finely delicately alutaceous, smoother medially with a row of small fovea at the base. Mesepimeron 1.45 times as high as broad, about as high as length of mid coxa. Hind coxa 2.2 times as long as broad, with rather coarse, slightly raised reticulation, dorsally with about 11 setae on basal half. Spur of hind tibia 0.4-0.45 length of basitarsus. Forewing 2.3 times as long as broad, costal cell 9 times as long as broad, above with one row of setae over distal half, below with one row plus scattered hairs, except in the middle; basal cell with 2-5 setae below SM; basal vein with 4-5 setae; speculum partly open, extending slightly beyond parastigma; M:PM:ST=58:14:6.5, stigma slightly oblique, small.
Gaster short and high, slightly compressed; basal sternite projects somewhat beyond coxa; hypopygium extending three quarters along gaster, bare except tip. Ovipositor index 1.07-1.15, very slightly shorter than gaster. Length 1.9-2.2 mm.
Colour: bright green, slightly golden on sides of mesosoma. Scape yellow, darkened dorsally apically or along whole dorsal edge. Legs, including apical half of fore coxae testaceous, hind tibia slightly infuscate medially on posterior edge sometimes, fifth tarsal segment fuscous. Tegulae brownish. Wing hyaline, venation testaceous or brownish testaceous. The French specimen seems to be darker than the British one.
Male.- Unknown.

Comments.- The female seems to differ from galii in having a slightly shorter ovipositor (galii 1.6-1.9), longer malar space (galii 0.28-0.31), the scape is longer, reaching middle of anterior ocellus or nearly to top (in galii slightly longer than transverse diameter of eye and hardly reaching lower edge of ocellus), while the legs are more extensively pale (in galii hind femur broadly black, often other femora more or less infuscate, hind tibia usually broadly infuscate).
Biology.- Unknown.
Distribution.- France, Great Britain.