Torymus caledonicus

Torymus caledonicus Graham & Gijswijt, 1998.

Type material.- Holotype, (BMNH): "Scotland, MP [Mid Perth] Granish, nr. Aviemore, 24.6.1965 M. de V. Graham".

Description of female.-
Morphology: head in dorsal view (fig. 47) 1.8 times as broad as long; temples 0.4 apparent length of eyes, distinctly rounded POL 1.7 OOL, OOL 1.2 OD. Vertex with extremely fine hardly raised reticulation, with a few minute punctures in ocellar triangle and at the sides. Frontally seen, the head is distinctly transverse, with slightly curved genae. Mouth 2.15 times length of malar space, the latter 0.37 length of eye. Clypeus very slightly produced, weakly curved. Antennae (fig. 46) with toruli well above lower eyeline; scape not reaching lower edge of anterior ocellus; pedicellus plus flagellum 1.1 times breadth of head, flagellum proximally not much stouter than pedicellus but thickening strongly distad; pedicellus 1.6 times as long as broad; anellus slightly broader than long; F1 subquadrate, the other funicle segments slightly transverse; clava 1.5 times as long as broad; sensilla rather sparse, uniseriate.
Mesosoma 1.7 times as long as broad, strongly arched. Mesonotum nearly 1.5 times as broad as long, slightly shiny with fine, nearly isodiametric sculpture, which is more scaly in frontal third, punctures numerous but minute; setae slightly raised. Scutellum 1.2 times as long as broad, with broadly rounded base, sculpture as mesoscutum, with very small and remote punctures, setae raised, long in hinder third; flange extremely narrow, without distinct trabeculae. Dorsellum nearly smooth. Propodeum shiny with fine superficial alutaceous sculpture and a row of minute fovea at base. Mesepimeron longer than high, distinctly shorter than mid coxa. Hind coxa 2.2 times as long as broad, with somewhat coarse and slightly raised reticulation, its hind edge strongly curved with 6-7 setae dorsally in basal half. Hind femur 3.8 times as long as broad; spur of hind tibia 0.52 length of basitarsus. Forewing 2.2 times as long as broad, costal cell about 8.5 times as long as broad, with on upper surface one row of setae and on lower surface one row plus scattered setae in basal fifth and in distal third. M:PM:ST=52:14:7, stigma shortly petiolate, small and nearly circular; basal cell with a few setae below SM, closed below; basal vein with four setae; speculum moderately large, extending slightly beyond tip of parastigma, nearly closed.
Gaster ovate, not compressed, in profile relatively short; basal sternite slightly longer than coxa; hypopygium extending three quarters along gaster, bare except tip. Ovipositor index 2.05, sheaths as long as metasoma plus one third of mesosoma. Length 2.0 mm.
Colour: bright blue-green; mandibles and palpi testaceous. Antennae black, scape yellow beneath. Coxae, and hind femora except tips, coloured as body; fore and mid femora fuscous in basal two third; hind tibiae broadly infuscate, rest testaceous with fifth segment of tarsi brown. Tegulae brown with anterior edge yellowish. Wings hyaline, venation testaceous with parastigma and ST slightly darker.
Male.- Unknown.

Comments.- This species is recognizable by the combination of characters given in the key to females, couplet 106.
Biology.- Unknown.
Distribution.- Scotland.