Torymus austriacus

Torymus austriacus Graham, 1994.

Female.- Characterized by features of scutellum and antennae in particular. Scutellum with posterior 0.25 polished and smooth, devoid of setae (but the smooth area is not marked off by an impressedline). Dorsal surface of hind coxae pilose in basal half. Head 2.15 times as broad as long; temples about 0.2 apparent length of eye; POL 1.0 OOL, OOL 2.5-2.6 OD. Antenna with scape 0.75 length of eye, reaching lower edge of median ocellus; pedicellus plus flagellum 1.4 times breadth of head; pedicellus twice as long as broad; anellus quadrate; F1 hardly longer than pedicellus, 1.7 times as long as broad, basally not broader than pedicellus but widening gradually distad, very slightly constricted in its basal 0.5 (as are F2 to F4), following segments graduallyshortening, F2 1.5 times, F4 1.1 times as long as broad, F5 quadrate, F6 and F7 very slightly transverse; sensilla numerous, in one row in the distal half of segments F1 to F4, longer and occupying more than half the length on each of the following segments.
Mesoscutum, axillae and scutellum (apart from frenum) rather shiny, with exceedingly fine, superficial or partly engraved sculpture, with very sparse piliferous punctures. Propodeum not very shiny, with very fine reticulation which in places is slightly raised, and with some oblique striae on each side of the middle. Legs rather stout, especiallyfore and hind femora. Forewing about 2.6 times as long as broad, upper surface bare, lower surface with only a few setae near base and apex; basal cel open below, virtually bare like the basal vein; speculum open below, large and extending more than half way below M; wing distad to speculum rathersparsely pilose.
Gaster moderately compressed; hypopygium nearly bare; ovipositor sheaths about 1.65 times length of hind tibia and about as long as metasoma.
Body blue-green with face and parts of vertex sometimes bronze. Scutellum and axillae sometimes bronze or coppery. Antenna black, scape bluish, also pedicellus.
Coxae, and femora mainly, blue-green, trochanters partly, tips of femora very narrowly, tibiae and tarsi reddish-testaceous. Wings sometimes hyaline but usually with a large, weak to strong infumate cloud below M.
Length of body 2.5-3.6 mm.
Male.- Unknown.
Holotype.- , Germany: Thuringen (Schmiedeknecht) (BMNH).
Paratypes.- 1 , same data as holotype. Czechoslovakia: 2 ; Moravia merid., Cjec, v.1941 (A. Hoffer) (BMNH), 1 , Slovakia, Velky Bab, 5.v.1953 (Boucek) (BMNH).