Torymus arundinis

Torymus arundinis (Walker, 1833).

Morphology.- Head dorsally about twice as broad as long, 1.2-1.6 times broader than mesosoma; temple 0.3 apparent length of eye, straight; POL twice OOL, OOL 0.8-0.9 OD; vertex with reticulation in hinder part transverse, with some punctures between ocelli. Frontally seen the head is 1.2 times broader than high; distance between eyes about equal to their lengths; mouth 2.8-3.1 malar space, malar space 0.3 length of eye; genae straight; front edge of clypeus truncate; lower face 0.6-0.7 upper face, both with fine reticulation, without punctures, setae few; eye 1.4 times longer than broad,.
Antenna: scape 3.1-3.4 times longer than broad, 0.8 length of upper face and 0.7 length of eye, not or just reaching middle ocellus; pedicellus+flagellum 1.2-1.5 times breadth of head; pedicellus 1.7-1.8 times longer than broad; anellus about 1.4 times broader than long; F1 and F2 1.4 times longer than broad in larger specimens, in smaller ones 1.2 and quadrate respectively, broader than pedicellus, F7 quadrate or slightly transverse in smaller specimens times longer than broad , clava 1.8-2.2 times longer than broad; sensilla in two rows on each segment.
Mesosoma 1.9 times longer than broad; mesonotum 0.7-0.8 times as long as broad, finely transversely rippled, with a few, widely separated punctures, setae rather sparse, white, slightly longer than OD, subdecumbent; scutellum 1.25 times longer than broad, sculpture as mesonotum, without frenum, flange of normal length with trabeculae; dorsellum faintly carinate, with median carina; propodeum with fine alutaceous sculpture, without median carina, its length 0.4 length of scutellum.
Hind leg with coxa 2.4 times longer than broad, with some setae in proximal half; femur 4.8-5.0 times longer than broad; tibia 6.9-7.2 times times longer than broad; shorter spur 0.7-0.8 length of longer one, which is 0.3 length of metatarsus and about as long as tibial breadth.
Mesepimeron 1.5 times higher than broad and 0.8 length of mid coxa. Wing 2.7 times longer than broad; costal cell:M:PM:ST=100:80:22:6.5; costal cell with one interrupted row of setae on upper surface, underside with one complete, one medially row, plus some scattered hairs proximally and in distal half; stigma short, hardly petiolate; basal cell on underside with a complete row of hairs below subcosta, plus some scattered hairs, upper side with a row under subcosta, closed ; basal vein with about five hairs; speculum extending till under M, closed.
Metasoma 2.7-3.1 times longer than broad; basal sternite distinctly longer than hind coxa, basal tergites keeled; hypopygium extending half length of metasoma, hairy. Ovipositor index 3.6-4.0
Body length 2.2-3.3 mm.
Colour.- Vivid green, with golden reflections in places. Vertex coppery. Palpi testaceous. Antennae black, scape testaceous on ventral side. Fore coxae testaceous with a small green spot frontally, other coxae green. Legs, including tarsi, testaceous.
Biology.- Reared from galls of Thomasiella arundinis (Schiner) and Giraudiella inclusa (von Frauenfeld). An account of the biology is given by Tscharntke et al. (1991).
Distribution.- Widespread, probably over whole Europe wherever large stands of Phragmites occur.