Torymus artemisiae

Torymus artemisiae Mayr, 1874.

Description of female.-
Scape not nearly reaching ocellus. Ped. + flagellum 63.5, flagellum distinctly clavate, prox.only slightly stouter than pedicellus. Segments quadrate (or 7th very slightly transverse).
Clypeus margin truncate. Malar space 0.4 eye, 2.0 mouth. Genae very slightly curved.
Spur 0.4 basitarsus.
Head twice as broad as long, temples 0.25 apparent length of eye. POL 12, OOL 7, OD 5.

Fore and mid femora fuscous lined beneath. Legs incl. fore coxae mainly, yellow.
Ovipositor 2.9-3.2.
Length 1.5-2.0 mm

Type material.- Lectotype , (NHMW), designated by Graham & Gijswijt (1998: 55).
Biology.- Reared from galls of Rhopalomyia artemisiae (Löw) (Dipt. Cecidomyiidae).
Distribution.- Romania.