Torymus arcticus

Torymus arcticus (Thomson, 1876: 80).

Malar 0.43 eye.. ?scape pale below, Scape reaches top of ocellus, length 19, eye 22.8 (0.83). Ped. 13x8.5 (1.52), F1 13x8.8, F2 11.8x9.5, malar 10. Anellus very slightly transverse.
Hind coxa hairy dorsally next to base. Hind metatarsus ca 17, spur ca 7.5. .Propodeum nearly horizontal, with fine oblique-concentric sculpture..
Forewing with basal cell hairy except a very narrow strip above the lower (closing) line of hairs. Speculum nearly closed. Disc beyond rather thickly pilose. Costal cell underside 2 complete rows of hairs plus scattered hairs in basal 1/4 and distal 1/3; upper side 1 complete row plus partial second in distal 1/3!
Ovip slightly shorter than gaster.
Legs except coxae red; fore and mid femora weakly infuscate externally, hind femur green-fuscous outside. Tergite 1 reddish at sides.

Type material.- Lectotype: , (ZIL, type No. 1539.1); selected by Graham, validated by Hansson (1991: 10).