Torymus arcadius

Torymus arcadius Graham & Gijswijt, 1998.

Morphology.- Head dorsally twice as broad as long, only slightly broader than mesosoma; temple 0.25 apparent length of eye, nearly straight; POL 1.8-2.0 OOL, OOL 1.25-1.4 OD; reticulation on vertex engraved, with scattered fine punctures. Frontally seen the head is 1.2-1.3 times broader than high; distance between eyes about as long as their lengths; mouth 1.8 malar space, malar space 0.3-0.4 length of eye; genae straight; front edge of clypeus hardly produced, very shallowly emarginate; lower face 0.7 upper face, finely reticulate without punctures and thickly set with white setae, eye 1.3-1.4 times longer than broad, bare.
Antenna: scape 3.6 times longer than broad, not or just reaching lower edge of anterior ocellus, its length 0.7 that of upper face; pedicellus+flagellum 1.1-1.15 times breadth of head; pedicellus 1.5-1.6 times longer than broad; anellus slightly transverse; F1 nearly quadrate, F2-F5 quadrate, F6 and F7 slightly transverse in larger females, F7 1.5 times broader than pedicellus, in smaller females F1 and F2 quadrate, rest of funicle segments slightly transverse; clava twice as long as broad; sensilla uniseriate.
Mesosoma 1.75 times longer than broad; mesonotum 1.2 times longer than broad, sculpture finely reticulate, tending to be transverse, punctures very numerous though minute, setae rather short, slightly raised. Scutellum 1.25 times as long as broad, sculptured as mesonotum, with rounded subtruncate base, setae on hinder third long; flange narrow, distinctly trabeculate. Dorsellum nearly smooth, with a trace of a carina. Propodeum very finely delicately alutaceous, smoother medially.
Hind leg with coxa 2.5 times as long as broad, its hind edge fairly strongly curved, with rather coarse raised reticulation, thickly hairy in basal half; femur 4.7 times longer than broad; tibia 7 times longer than broad, spur of hind tibia 0.42 length of basitarsus. Mesepimeron 1.5 times as high as broad, distinctly shorter than mid coxa (23:30). Forewing 2.4 times longer than broad; costal cell:M:PM:ST = 100:80:27:9; costal cell eight times as longer than broad, above with one complete row, below with one complete row plus scattered setae in basal 0.25 and distal 0.3; basal cell with a row of 6-7 setae, closed; basal vein with 6-7 setae; speculum partly open, extending slightly beyond parastigma; stigma only slightly oblique, small.
Metasoma about 2.3 times longer than broad; basal sternite only slightly longer than hind coxa; hypopygium extending 3/4 length of metasoma, bare except tip. Ovipositor index 2.05-2.55.
Body length 2.3-3.0 mm.
Colour.- Body bright green to blue green or greenish blue. Antennae black, scape testaceous beneath. Coxae, and hind femora except bases and tips, coloured like the body; fore and mid femora fuscous proximally; hind tibiae more or less broadly infuscate medially; legs otherwise testaceous, with last tarsal segments fuscous, segment 4 brownish. Tegulae testaceous with hind border and external edge fuscous. Wings hyaline, venation testaceous.
Type material.- Holotype: , (RMNH). Paratypes: , (MJG, RMNH).
Biology.- Unknown.
Distribution.- Greece.