Torymus anthobiae

Torymus anthobiae Ruschka, 1921: 338.

Female.- Head dorsally twice as broad as long, as broad as or slightly broader than mesosoma; temples 0.3 apparent length of eye, curved; POL 1.8 OOL, OOL 1.5 OD; vertex with engraved, more transversely engraved reticulation, without punctures.
Frontally seen the head is 1.2 times broader than high; distance between eyes as large as their lengths; mouth 2.1-2.3 length of malar space, which is 0.3-0.4 length of eye; genae very slightly curved; front edge of clypeus truncate, smooth; lower face 0.7-0.8 times upper face, with engraved superficial reticulation and shiny, upper face more obviously reticulated and less shiny, without punctures , eye 1.5 times longer than broad, bare.
Antenna: scape 3.3 times longer than broad, 0.8 length of upper face and 0.7 length of eye, just reaching level of middle ocellus. Pedicellus plus flagellum 1.3 times longer than breadth of head.
Pedicellus 1.6-1.8 times longer than broad; anellus transverse; F1 1.1-1.2 times longer than broad, distinctly broader than pedicellus, F2 as long and broad as F1, length of F7 0.9 its breadth and 1.4-1.8 times broader than pedicellus, clava 2.1 times longer than broad; sensilla irregularly uniseriate; about as long as segment.
Mesosoma 1.8 times longer than broad. Length of mesonotum 0.8 times its breadth, sculpture finely more or less transversely, finely rippled, without punctures, setae short and ad pressed. Scutellum 0.4 times longer than broad, regularly reticulated, with some punctures and without frenum, flange and trabeculae as usual. Dorsellum: smooth, with a median carina. Propodeum: 0.3 length of scutellum, with alutaceous sculpture, without median carina.
Hind leg with coxa 2.3-2.4 times longer than broad, hairy, femur 4.3 times longer than broad, tibia 6.2-6.5 times times longer than broad; shorter spur 0.6 length of longer one, which is 0.4-0.5 length of metatarsus and slightly longer than tibial breadth. Mesepimeron 1.3-1.5 times longer than broad and 0.8-0.9 length of mid coxa.
Wing 2.4 times longer than broad; costal cell:M:PM:ST=100:74:16:7; costal cell with one interrupted hair row on upper side and one complete hair row on underside with scattered hairs in proximal and distal part; stigma semi circular, petiolate; basal cell bare, closed; basal vein with about 5 hairs; speculum extending till beginning of M, nearly closed.
Metasoma 2-2.3 times longer than broad; basal sternite slightly longer than hind coxa; hypopygium ending 0.8 length of metasoma, bare. Ovipositor index 2.2-2.5.
Body length 2.8-3.0 mm.
Colour.- Green, pleura of mesosoma fiery in places. Antenna black, scape testaceous, dorsally brown. Palpi brownish. Coxae concolorous with body, fore femora testaceous at tips. Legs testaceous, femora and hind tibiae slightly infuscate, hind femora with greenish shine.
Type material.- No original material has been located.
Biology.- Reared from galls of Contarinia anthobia F. Loew (Dipt. Cecidomyiidae) on Crataegus.
Distribution.- Austria, Netherlands.