Torymus amurensis

Torymus amurensis (Walker, 1874).

Morphology.- Head dorsally 1.9-2.0 times broader than long, 1.2 times broader than mesosoma; temple 0.2-0.3 apparent length of eye, curved; POL 0.9 OOL, OOL 2.1 OD; vertex with superficial engraved reticulation, shiny, without obvious punctures. Frontally seen the head is 1.2 times broader than high; distance between eyes about as long as their lengths; mouth twice malar space, malar space 0.3-0.4 length of eye; genae very slightly curved; front edge of clypeus truncate, superficially alutaceous; lower face 0.7 upper face, both with engraved reticulation, without punctures, setae few; eye 1.3 times longer than broad, bare.
Antenna: scape 3.3 times longer than broad, proximally broadest, 0.8 length of upper face and 0.7 length of eye, reaching level of middle ocellus; ped+flag 1.3 times breadth of head; pedicellus 1.8-2.0 times longer than broad; anellus about 1.2 times broader than long; F1 and F2 1.5 times longer than broad, broader than pedicellus, F7 quadrate and 1.2 times broader than pedicellus, clava 1.7 times longer than broad; sensilla uniseriate, nearly as long as segment.
Mesosoma twice as long as broad; mesonotum 0.8 times longer than broad, finely transversely rippled, without punctures, setae rather sparse, white, slightly shorter than OD, raised; scutellum 1.5 times longer than broad, sculpture as mesonotum, with several punctures, without frenum, flange of normal length with trabeculae;
dorsellum smooth, with median carina; propodeum with fine but distinct alutaceous sculpture, without median carina, its length 0.3-0.4 length of scutellum.
Hind leg with coxa 2.3 times longer than broad, bare; femur 4.5 times longer than broad; tibia 5.9 times times longer than broad; shorter spur 0.6 length of longer one, which is 0.4-0.5 length of metatarsus and slightly longer than tibial breadth.
Mesepimeron 1.25 times higher than broad and 0.9 length of mid coxa. Wing 2.5 times longer than broad; costal cell:M:PM:ST=100:86:19:9; stigma longer than high, petiolate; basal cell with a row of hairs below subcosta, closed ; basal vein with at most one hair; speculum extending as a very small strip below M, open.
Metasoma 2.6 times longer than broad; basal sternite slightly longer than hind coxa; hypopygium extending 2/3 length of metasoma, hairy. Ovipositor index 1.2.
Body length 2.5 mm.
Colour.- Vivid green, with golden reflections in places; antennae black, scape testaceous frontally. Palpi testaceous. Antennae black, scape testaceous on ventral side. Fore coxae testaceous with a small green spot proximally, other coxae green. Legs testaceous, only hind femora with a green streak. Metasoma bluish green with two transverse violaceous bands.

Type material.- Lectotype: , (BMNH), designated by Graham & Gijswijt (1998: 51)
Biology.- Associated with Tenthredinidae on Salix.
Distribution.- Austria, Czech Republic, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Netherlands, Russia: East Siberia (Amurland), Slovakia.