Torymus aceris

Torymus aceris Boucek,1994.

Morphology.- Head dorsally 1.8-2.0 times as broad as long, 1.1 times broader than mesosoma; temple about 0.3 apparent length of eye, moderately converging, rounded; POL 1.6-1.9 OOL, OOL about 1.1 OD; vertex with engraved reticulation, without punctures.
Head frontally 0.9 times higher than broad; eyes separated 1.1-1.2 times their length; mouth 2.2-2.3 times malar space, malar space 0.35-0.4 times length of eye; genae slightly curved; front edge of clypeus truncate; lower face 0.7-0.8 times upper face, with alutaceous sculpture, without punctures; vertex more reticulate with some punctures behind ocelli, setae sparse; eye 1.3-1.4 times longer than broad, not hairy.
Antenna with scape 3.4-3.5 times as long as broad, its length 0.8-0.9 upper face and 0.7-0.8 length of eye, reaching level of middle of median ocellus; pedicellus plus flagellum 1.4 times breadth of head; pedicellus 1.8 times longer than broad, anellus slightly shorter than broad (3:4), F1 1.1 times longer than broad, F2 1.2-1.3 times, F 7 0.9-1.0 times, clava 2.1 times longer than broad; F7 1.6 times broader than pedicellus. Sensilla irregular uniseriate longer than half the segment.
Mesosoma twice as long as broad; mesonotum with rather fine, engraved reticulation arranged in transverse arches, not rippled, punctures very small and superficial; pilosity thin, moderately dense.
Scutellum: 1.5 times longer than broad, sculpture as on mesonotum, punctures fewer but more distinct; frenum not indicated, flange and trabeculae normal.
Dorsellum: smooth with faint median carina.
Propodeum: 0.3 length of scutellum, finely alutaceous, without median carina and with a row of very small fovea along front edge.
Hind leg: coxa hardly 2.5 times longer than broad, hairy; femur about 4.5 times longer than broad; tibia 6.4 times times longer than broad with two tibial spurs; shorter spur nearly 0.7 length of longer one, which is half length of metatarsus and 1.7 times longer than tibial breadth.
Mesepimeron 1.3-1.4 times higher than broad, 0.8-0.9 length of mid coxa
Wing 2.4-2.5 times longer than broad; costal cell:M:PM:ST=100:73:17:7; stigma slightly petiolate; basal cell bare, closed; basal vein with 5 hairs; costal cell on upper surface with one row on distal 2/5, on lower surface with one complete or slightly interrupted row at front edge and with scattered hairs in distal half; speculum reaching middle of M, open.
Metasoma 2.2-2.7 times longer than broad; basal sternite as long as or longer than hind coxa; hypopygium reaching 3/4 of metasoma, hairy only at tip.
Ovipositor index 2.8-3.0.
Body length 2.9-3.9 mm.
Colour.- Bright green with some golden reflections in places, sides of mesosoma and metasoma sometimes brassy. Antennal scape wholly testaceous or more or less infuscate towards apex dorsally. pedicellus and flagellum black. Tegulae and legs mainly testaceous, but fore coxae green at base or even on anterior surface, mid and hind coxae green; hind femora and tibiae rarely slightly infuscate, tips of tarsi brownish. Wings hyaline, veins testaceous.
Description of male.-
Differs from female mainly in having scape not reaching median ocellus, 2.7-2.8 times longer than broad. Pedicellus plus flagellum 1.5 times width of head; pedicellus 1.2-1.3 times longer than broad, anellus 2.5 times broader than long; funicle filiform, its segments quadrate or nearly so with numerous sensilla in one row on each segment, hairs on segments black, semi ad pressed and curved.
Type material.- Holotype: , (ENMP). Paratypes: ±, (BMNH, MJG, OUM, ZB).
Biology.- Reared from Megaselia sp. in seeds of Acer spp.
Distribution.- Czech Republic, France, Great Britain.