Torymus violae

Torymus violae (Hoffmeyer, 1944).

Species not recognized

In the lectotype female, owing to its being mounted in balsam, a number of characters are not capable of being measured. Hence an accurate placing of violae is not possible, although it is certainly very close to galii Boheman. It should be noted that Hoffmeyer’s description is incorrect in one respect. He stated that the ovipositor was as long as metasoma plus half mesosoma, the ratio of its length to that of the hind tibia 2.25 (in the lectotype it is about as long metasoma, the ratio only 1.85). The identity of violae must remain uncertain until fresh material agreeing with the lectotype can be reared from the original host. Specimens reared from Dasineura violae in the Netherlands belong to T. chloromerus (Walker).

Type material.- Described from several males and females reared from galls of Dasineura violae Loew, found 1.viii.1940, at Haslev, Denmark, emerged ix.1940 (Hoffmeyer). Lectotype (ZMK), designated by Graham & Gijswijt, 1998, mounted on a slide in Canada balsam with a male.