Torymus valisnierii

Torymus vallisnierii Cameron, 1901.

Species not recognized

The species was described from material reared from galls of Nematus gallicola Westwood [=Pontania proxima (Lep.)] (Hym. Tenthredinidae). Amongst the characters mentioned the following are probably the most important: spur of hind tibia hardly one-quarter the length of the basitarsus; ovipositor sheaths about as long as body; head purple, varied with green; gaster dark purple, basal tergite green, venter at base testaceous; flagellum metallic purple; pubescence of mesosoma fuscous.
We have seen no Torymus reared from Pontania proxima, nor any other species which exactly fit the description. Some small dark specimens of geranii (Walker) fit the description of valisnierii very well. Is it possible that Cameron had a mixture of galls and was mistaken regarding the host, and that valisnierii was really the same as geranii ? For the present, the identity of valisnierii must remain an open question.

Type material.- The holotype or syntypes of this species have not been located.