Torymus fractiosus

Torymus fractiosus Graham & Gijswijt, 1998.

Type material.- Holotype, , (BMNH): "France, Vaucluse, Mont Ventoux, Col de Perrache, em. 22.6.1982 ex leaf-edge gall on Rosa rubiginosa, M. de V. Graham". Paratypes: (BMNH, RMNH, MJG), 2 same data as holotype; 2 (MJG) "France Dept. Vaucluse M. Ventoux M.J.Gijswijt, gal Wachtl. rosarum coll. uit viii 1980". 1 ± same data (supposed to be the species).

Description of female.-
Morphology: head in dorsal view 2.05 times as broad as long, temples 0.26 apparent length of eyes, rather strongly converging, slightly curved. POL 2.1-2.35 OOL, OOL 1.07 OD. Vertex with numerous fairly distinct punctures. Frontally seen the head is trapeziform with straight genae; clypeus truncate; mouth 2.0-2.1 times as long as malar space, the latter 0.28-0.3 length of eye. Antennae with toruli well above lower eyeline, but slightly nearer to clypeus, pedicellus plus flagellum 1.26 times breadth of head; flagellum proximally slightly stouter than pedicellus, rather weakly clavate; scape 3.7 times as long as broad, not quite reaching anterior ocellus; pedicellus 1.75 times as long as broad; anellus about 1.3 times as broad as long; F1 1.15 times longer than broad following segments quadrate, F7 very slightly transverse, in large females F1 to F3 are very slightly elongate; clava twice as long as broad; sensilla numerous, uniseriate. Face rather thickly clothed with thin short white setae
Mesosoma 1.9-2.0 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum 1.0-1.1 times as broad as long, rather dull with excessively fine reticulation which is more or less scaly in frontal half; punctures numerous but very small, separated by twice their diameter or more; setae of normal length, slightly raised. Scutellum 1.35 times as long as broad, with rounded base, sculpture as on mesoscutum, punctures in basal third slightly larger and closer; setae of hind third long and more raised; flange very narrow minutely trabeculate. Dorsellum virtually smooth, with a trace of a sulcus. Propodeum with extremely finely superficial sculpture, nearly smooth, medially with a row very small fovea. Mesepimeron 1.5 times as high as broad, distinctly shorter than mid coxa. Hind leg with coxa 2.3 times as long as broad, its hind edge moderately curved, with a somewhat coarse, raised reticulation, pilose in basal half; femur 4.2 times as long as broad; longer spur of tibia 0.41 length of basitarsus. Forewing 2.75 times as long as broad; costal cell 8.5 times as long as broad, upper surface bare except one row of setae over distal half or two-third (complete in one specimen); basal cell bare, or with 2-3 setae, closed over distal half or more; basal vein with 6-8 setae; speculum moderately large, extending slightly beyond parastigma, partly open; M:PM:ST=64:17:6, stigma oblique, small.
Gaster hardly compressed; basal sternite reaches only very slightly beyond coxa; hypopygium extending three-quarters beyond gaster, bare except tip. Ovipositor index 2.25-2.55. Length 2.5-3.0 mm.
Colour: body bright golden-green to bluish-green. Antennae black, scape testaceous beneath. Mid and hind coxae, and proximal one-third to half of fore coxae, coloured like body. Legs otherwise yellowish-testaceous, with hind femora narrowly to moderately broadly infuscate, hind tibiae lightly infuscate medially. Fifth tarsal segment brown, four slightly brownish. Tegulae yellowish, slightly darker posteriorly. Wings hyaline, venation yellowish-testaceous.
Male.- The specimen attributed to this species differs as follows: scape about 3 times as long as broad, not nearly reaching anterior ocellus, outer surface minutely granulate; pedicellus plus flagellum 1,27 times breadth of head, flagellum proximally distinctly stouter than pedicellus, weakly clavate, thickly clothed with short, curved, black setae.; pedicellus about 1.5 times as long as broad, not longer than F1 following segments quadrate, F7 slightly transverse; Antennae black. Hind femora mainly black, fore and mid femora infuscate proximally, hind tibiae infuscate medially.

Comments.- The female of fractiosus is very close to that of wachtliellae spec., nov. but differs in shorter ovipositor, shorter malar space (in wachtliellae 0.32-0.34), pleuron of mesosoma and sides of gaster at most weakly golden, hind femora and tibiae tending to be slightly infuscate. From T. epilobii and T. pastinacae females it differs in shorter malar space, rather more distinct punctures on sides of upper face, and hosts. In epilobii the hind femora are more or less, often broadly, infuscate or black, the hind tibiae more or less infuscate to black medially, occasionally the fore and mid femora are more or less infuscate; in pastinacae the fore coxae are mainly or wholly dark, the hind femora less heavily infuscate medially.
Biology.- Reared from galls of Wachtliella rosarum (Hardy) on Rosa.
Distribution.- France.