Torymus cyprianus

Torymus cyprianus Graham & Gijswijt, 1998.

Type material.- Holotype, (BMNH): "Cyprus: Para Pedi, 14. viii. 1937, G.A. Mavroumoustakis, BM. 1937-808".

Description of female.-
Morphology: head in dorsal view (fig. 81) twice as broad as long; temples 0.22 length of eyes, converging moderately strongly, curved. POL 1.78 OOL, OOL 1.7 OD. Vertex with minute piliferous punctures, which are few and remote between lateral ocelli and eyes but rather more numerous in the ocellar triangle. Eye 1.45 times as long as broad, with very short setae. In frontal view the anterior margin of clypeus is projecting somewhat, very shallowly emarginate medially. Mouth about twice malar space, the latter 0.37 length of eye. Antenna: scape 0.85 length of eye, 5.7 times as long as broad, reaching fully to level of middle of anterior ocellus; pedicellus plus flagellum 1.45 times breadth of head; pedicellus 2.2 times as long as broad, very slightly shorter than F1; anellus nearly quadrate, closely applied to F1; F1 1.9 times as long as broad, narrowing in its proximal half, its base hardly broader than the anellus, following segments decreasing gradually in length but increasing very slightly in breadth, F6 quadrate, F7 very slightly transverse; clava about twice as long as broad, slightly longer than F6 plus F7; sensilla moderately numerous, uniseriate, placed mainly in the distal half of each segment.
Mesosoma about twice as long as broad, rather weakly arched dorsally. Pronotum about 0.7 length of mesoscutum, mainly with extremely fine, slightly raised sculpture forming transverse ripples. Mesoscutum (partly pierced by pin) with extremely fine reticulation which tends to form transverse ripples, with small and remote piliferous punctures. Scutellum (fig. 82) not strongly convex, its base rounded, extremely finely reticulate, the sculpture fairly uniform; piliferous punctures very small and remote, setae somewhat raised; flange fairly broad, with distinct trabeculae. Dorsellum with indication of a median longitudinal furrow. Propodeum shiny, with delicate alutaceous sculpture, including the callus; spiracles rather small, about 1.7 times as long as broad. Mesepimeron nearly as high as mid coxa, nearly square. Hind coxa slightly more than twice as long as broad, its dorsal surface bare in basal half. Fore and hind femora moderately stout. Longer spur of hind tibia 0.39 length of basitarsus. Forewing 2.85 tines as long as broad; costal cell 13.5 times as long as broad, its upper surface bare, lower surface bare except for a few setae in basal quarter and distal quarter; M:PM:ST=65:15:8.5, stigmal vein at a very oblique angle to PM, stigma small and shortly petiolate; basal cell bare except for 3 setae below SM; basal vein with 3 setae; no setae on subcubital vein; speculum partly open below, very long and extending below two thirds of M, with a number of scattered setae on lower surface below M; wing just beyond speculum rather sparsely pilose, but moderately thickly distad.
Gaster rather strongly compressed; basal sternite about 1.5 times as long as hind coxa; hypopygium bare except for a few setae at tip; ovipositor sheaths 1.1 times length of body, index 3.7. Length of body 3 mm.
Colour: head greenish with face and vertex bronze. Mesosoma green, with slight bronze tinge in places. Metasoma green, slightly tinged with bronze posteriorly. Antenna black with scape testaceous beneath, pedicellus bronze. Mandibles and palpi testaceous. Coxae green, rest of legs testaceous, the claws fuscous. Tegulae testaceous; wings hyaline, venation testaceous.
Male.- Unknown.

Comments.- T. cyprianus in most respects is very similar to the Mongolian T. annularius Szelényi, 1973, the holotype of which has been compared with it. T. annularius differs in having a few setae on the dorsal surface of the hind coxa, in its basal half; the tip of the hypopygium is nearly level with the apex of gaster (remote from it in cyprianus). The forewing is only about 2.5 times as long as broad, with eight or more setae in the basal cell, the speculum smaller, wing beyond it more thickly pilose, with rather shorter setae; ovipositor sheaths not longer than the body.
Biology.- Unknown.
Distribution.- Greece (Cyprus).