Torymus corni

Torymus corni Mayr, 1874.

Type material.- Lectotype, (NHMW): here designated, pinned on a pith block, labelled "Collect. G. Mayr; Bohr. er-reicht bei Puppe nicht d. Basis des Abd; Leop-bg 11.10.73 gesam Fl. Dec. 73"

(descr. acc. to annotations from M. Graham after syntypes from Vienna museum)

Female.- Pedicellus plus flagellum 1.26 length of head, which is 1.95 times broader than long. Temples 1/5 apparent length of eyes, curved, moderately converging. POL 2.15 OOL, OOL 1.1 OD. Mouth 2.05 malar space, which is 0.34 length of eye. Clypeus curved, scape about as long as breadth of eye (24:25), not quite reaching median ocellus.
Pedicellus 8.8x5, anellus 2.5x4, F1 7x6, F2 8x6.7, rest quadrate, F7 very slightly transverse. Flagellum weakly clavate: funicle cylindric, only clava broader). Sensilla long in one irregular row. Clava 19x9, F5-7 20
Setae of mesosoma normal (somewhat longer than in phillyreae) slightly raised. Setae on scutellum slightly raised, those of hind half longer and distinctly raised. Mesonotum and scutellum dullish, extremely finely reticulate: mesonotum with small, numerous punctures. Punctures of scutellum small in basal 1/3 separated by only 1.5 their diameter.
Hind coxa with double row of setae. Genae virtually straight. Head slightly broader than high.
Costal cell upper side with one complete row. Underside with one complete row plus a few setae in basal 1/5 plus many setae in more than distal 1/3.
Basal cell with a row of setae below SM. Basal vein with 6-7 setae. Basal cell closed below. Speculum partly open. Wing beyond speculum moderately thickly pilose. ST 6.3, PM 14.5, tapering.
Spur of hind tibia 0.41 length of basitarsus.
Oi 1.87, ovipositor as long as mesosoma plus 1/2 scutellum.
Length 2.3 mm
Fore coxa yellowish in distal 1/4. All femora mainly dark. Fore and mid tibiae testaceous, hind tibia very broadly infuscate. Tegulae yellow.